Extreme Cleaning Details:
What exactly is our extreme residential cleaning Package #3
Our residential extreme clean is a deep cleaning plus service. A tidy and declutter service that can be added to package #2 per the hour(s) needed
During an extreme clean service we provide a complete fresh start for a residential property that needs more than a cleaning. Service is perfomed prior to a deep cleaning service for a home that has items in areas that are not designated.
What type of residential property qualifies for an extreme clean?
An untidy and cluttered residential property which will need to be tidied and decluttered prior to a clean
Items scattered and not in designated rooms or storage areas: Personal items, Clothing, Kids toys, Decor, Boxes, Paper
How exactly will we tidy and declutter your property?
Sort like items by like items room by room or area per area
Store your items in your designated rooms or storage areas
Services we do Not provide during an extreme cleaning
Garbage dumpsters or removal of hoarding trash
Detail organizing: reading paperwork, creating designated labeling systems, storage systems, purchasing or building storage systems
Hoarding cleaning services
Washing of dishes, pots pans, etc
Laundry services
Cleaning inside clothing, food closets, dressers, food pantry, food cabinets etc.
Storage supply items for your property
Services in a property that does not have proper air circulation
Cleaning of a property that does not have running water, plumbing issues or electricity
Any biohazard cleanup
Cleaning pet waste
Cleaning of any insect infestations or rodents